Respect the Marine Park: Guidelines for a Sustainable Experience at Mafia Island Marine Park


At Kinasi Lodge, we believe in preserving the beauty and biodiversity of Mafia Island’s Marine Park. Our guests are fortunate to experience one of the most pristine marine environments in the world, but with great privilege comes great responsibility. As you embark on your adventures—whether snorkeling, diving, or just soaking up the serenity—here are some essential guidelines to ensure you leave the reef just as you found it.

1. Look, Don’t Touch: Protecting Flora and Fauna

The marine life in Mafia Island is as diverse as it is delicate. Touching, collecting, or chasing marine flora and fauna not only stresses the animals but also damages their natural habitat. Please refrain from touching coral, feeding fish, or disturbing any marine organisms you encounter. Observe them from a safe distance, allowing them to thrive in their natural environment.

2. Mind Your Buoyancy

For divers and snorkelers, controlling buoyancy is key to avoiding accidental damage. Keeping your fins off the seabed will prevent the disruption of sediment and avoid damaging fragile corals. By maintaining good buoyancy, you can glide effortlessly over the reef without causing harm to the underwater ecosystem.

3. Use Reef-Safe Sunscreen

Many sunscreens contain chemicals harmful to coral reefs and marine life. Before entering the water, be sure to apply reef-safe sunscreen, which is free from oxybenzone and octinoxate, two chemicals that contribute to coral bleaching. This simple action can have a huge impact on the health of the reefs for years to come.

4. No Littering or Pollution

Mafia Island’s Marine Park is a sanctuary, and keeping it free from pollution is a collective effort. Whether you’re on a boat or lounging by the shore, always dispose of waste properly. Plastic bags, bottles, and other pollutants not only detract from the beauty of the park but also pose a deadly threat to marine life. Let’s all do our part to keep the park clean—leave nothing behind but footprints on the sand.

5. Gloves Off

While it might seem counterintuitive, wearing gloves while diving can encourage reef damage by promoting touching and handling of marine life. By going glove-free, you reduce the temptation to grab or touch coral and creatures. Remember, the best way to enjoy the underwater world is by simply observing it.

6. No Anchoring on Coral

If you’re boating in the marine park, be aware of where you drop anchor. Anchoring on coral can cause significant damage to reefs that take decades to regenerate. Use designated mooring buoys whenever possible and avoid coral reefs to help preserve these essential marine structures.

7. Do Not Feed Marine Life

Feeding fish or other marine organisms might seem like a fun way to interact with the ocean’s residents, but it disrupts their natural feeding habits and can alter the ecosystem’s balance. Let marine life find their food naturally, ensuring their behaviors and the park’s food chain remain intact.


By following these simple guidelines, every visitor to Kinasi Lodge can contribute to the conservation of Mafia Island’s precious marine ecosystem. Your responsible actions will not only ensure the survival of this stunning environment but also enhance the experience for future generations of ocean lovers. We are all stewards of the sea, and together, we can keep this paradise as pristine as the day it was discovered.

Feel free to ask our staff if you have any questions or need more information about the marine park guidelines. Happy exploring, and let’s make your trip to Mafia Island as eco-friendly as it is unforgettable!

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